martes, 3 de septiembre de 2013

Ayahuasca and Amazon medicine retreat

The jungle and its sacred medicines make a calling, to expand the consciousness, to connect with your heart, and with our roots, a fantastic oportunity that cannot be missed. The Centre  'Ancestral Remedies'offers an appropriate place for healing, purification and learning purposes. This is one of the best opportunities to be in contact with the nature, in the heart of the jungle and in the silence with onself.

Next Ayahuasca retreats in the 
Amazon Jungle, Puerto Maldonado, Peru:

13 to 20 April 
1 week Ayahuasca retreat
Where: Puerto Maldonado, Peru
Partecipation costs: USD 490
More info:

13 to 20 May tbc
1 week Ayahuasca retreat
Where: Puerto Maldonado, Peru
Partecipation costs: USD 490
More info:

13 to 20 June 
1 week Ayahuasca Premium retreat
with Taita Adonias QuinteroWhere: Puerto Maldonado, Peru
Partecipation costs: USD 715
More info:

dates in July tbc
1 week Ayahuasca retreat
Where: Puerto Maldonado, Peru
Partecipation costs:  please check availibility and details
More info:

dates in August tbc
1 week Ayahuasca retreat
Where: Puerto Maldonado, Peru
Partecipation costs:  please check availibility and details
More info:

dates in September tbc
1 week Ayahuasca retreat
Where: Puerto Maldonado, Peru
Partecipation costs:  please check availibility and details
More info:

dates in October tbc
1 week Ayahuasca retreat
Where: Puerto Maldonado, Peru
Partecipation costs:  USD 490
More info:
The price includes all the activies, acommodation, all meals and transportation to and from the airport.

Note: if you are a group of people and looking for a retreat in specific dates please get in touch and we can organise it for you. Contact Tomasz:

Our Ayahuasca Shamans:

* from Taita Adonias Quintero, with over 40 years of experience in the use of the sacred medicine of  Yagé or ayahuasca.
* from Perú curandero Carlo Schenone, with 15 years of experience in the use of the sacred medicine of  Yagé or ayahuasca. and a student of maestro Adonias.

The retreat includes:
* 1 tobacco cleansing purge: the juice of the leaves of the tobacco when bolied helps to unblock energetic channels and brings mental clarity, spiritual strenght and its ideal to start ayahuasca cermonies
* 3 yagé or ayahuasca ceremonies, the sacred plant of the ancestors grandfathers, is a great teacher that shows us with love what we have inside of us, which gives us an opportunity to learn, heal and cleanse our internal traumas and blockages, it also renews our body

To book your space please make a transfer of  50% of the value of the retreat and the remaning 50% is paid upon arrival.

Enquiries and bookings:
in Arequipa: Mr. Tomasz Warzywoda - Director of the Dharma Centre: Cell: +51 989598.325
in Puerto Maldonado: Mr. Carlo Schenone - Director of the Centre 'Ancestral Remedies' : or

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