domingo, 8 de septiembre de 2013

What is Ayahuasca or Yage?

Ayahuasca or Yage is a brew made of two plants of the amazon: liana of
Ayahuasca (banisteriopsis caapi) and a small tree of chacruna or liana chagropanga (psicotria viridis – dyplocteris cabreyana). This brew
is considered as a sacred medicine and has been used by our ancestors in the amazon jungle for more than 3 to 4 thousand years3 a 4 mil años. We learn from our grandfathers and ancestors and develop the knowledge in purity, transparency, honesty, full of love for the Earth, the jungle and our kins.

The ideal way to experience ayahuasca es thru the traditional way it was discovered and shared, with deep respect and consciousness that one is entering a deep process of personal healing in which ayahuasca will put you right in front of yourself, so that you can see yourself, so that you know yourself better on the inside: This will allow you to purify your past, to forgive, to leave behind the attachments and addictions and all that is blocking you to be your real self.

For sure this is not a miracle to do this change overnight, but if you give yourself a chance to go through your process we will assit you with love along the path and in every step you will give towards your healing.

In our group we have all experienced great benefits and blessings form our Celestial Father with the use of his sacred medicine. We are convinced of its efficiency and we want to share it with those who are ready to discover themeselves.

We have over 15 years of experience in the use of the teacher plants from the amazon. 
We have a very good and confortable infrastructure to offer our brothers a good service in a safe, clean and responsable maner.

Those are some benefits that people undertaking our healing porces had experienced:
* liverage of emotional blockages, profound feeling of peace with one`s own past
* mental and emotional clarity
* being healeb from various ilnesses and health problems
* found a path of a meaningfull, happy and harmonious life
* enhanced openness towards spiritual life
* mayor improvement in their interpersonal relationships

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