sábado, 7 de septiembre de 2013

The ceremony of Yagé or Ayahuasca

We always mention both names: yagé and ayahuasca, the difference is in the names used, in Colombia it called 'yagé' and in Perú it is know as 'Ayahuasca'. 

The ceremonies / sessions are sacred ritual spaces, where 'el curandero' or the shaman from the amazon invites to the drink the medicine during the session. 
Normally the sessions take place at night but in some special ocasions we conduct ceremonies during the day. There is a mayor difference to the energy in the following manner:  the nigh one allows a deep introspection, and the daily one allows for a deep introspection and a connection with the surrouning nature.

The ceremonies can last between 4 to 8 hours, the duration of the ceremony depends exclusively on the process of the partecipants. Each person has their own individual, personal processand each session is completely different from each other, none of them is the same.

Our ceremonies hold from 1 to 20 people, and even if the attendance is high in numbers, the shaman makes sure that each one has a quality and safe experience.

The medicine works step by step, like a scanner finding blockages, negative energies and helping bit by bit to
free yourself from them.
When you are under the effect of the medicine you do not loose consciousness nor reasoning ability, on the contrary, one enters on the expanded level of consciouness and preception, where you not only perceive the meterial world but also the spiritual or energetical world, both interior as well as exterior.
This means the enhanced and intensyfied visions, thoughts and feelings of what we hold inside are mede aparent during the session.

The  Ayahuasca processes are beutifull, which does not mean they are easy, and the best thing to do during the ceremony is to let go, let flow, acept and loose the ilusion of control one has over things.
Never put yourself in the vistim position of what ones sees or feels, but be a mere observer that learns from his own interior reality.

2 comentarios:

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