We work with the traditional medicine of the Amazon, with all the love and respect for the tradition of our ancestors.
We offer humanity the opportunity to get to know the sacred medicine from the amazon Yagé or Ayahuasca, for the honest seekers, who are on the path of awakeing, healing and finding their own path in life.
Our centre is located in the jungle city Puerto Maldonado, in the region of Madre de Dios of southern Perú, 30min by flight from Cuzco.
Our commitment with THE medicine of Ayahuasca is profound, sincere and responsible, this is the way we have learned how to use it and this is our energy.
lunes, 9 de septiembre de 2013
domingo, 8 de septiembre de 2013
What is Ayahuasca or Yage?
Ayahuasca or Yage is a brew made of two plants of the amazon: liana of
Ayahuasca (banisteriopsis caapi) and a small tree of chacruna or liana chagropanga (psicotria viridis – dyplocteris cabreyana). This brew
is considered as a sacred medicine and has been used by our ancestors in the amazon jungle for more than 3 to 4 thousand years3 a 4 mil años. We learn from our grandfathers and ancestors and develop the knowledge in purity, transparency, honesty, full of love for the Earth, the jungle and our kins.
The ideal way to experience ayahuasca es thru the traditional way it was discovered and shared, with deep respect and consciousness that one is entering a deep process of personal healing in which ayahuasca will put you right in front of yourself, so that you can see yourself, so that you know yourself better on the inside: This will allow you to purify your past, to forgive, to leave behind the attachments and addictions and all that is blocking you to be your real self.
For sure this is not a miracle to do this change overnight, but if you give yourself a chance to go through your process we will assit you with love along the path and in every step you will give towards your healing.
Ayahuasca (banisteriopsis caapi) and a small tree of chacruna or liana chagropanga (psicotria viridis – dyplocteris cabreyana). This brew
is considered as a sacred medicine and has been used by our ancestors in the amazon jungle for more than 3 to 4 thousand years3 a 4 mil años. We learn from our grandfathers and ancestors and develop the knowledge in purity, transparency, honesty, full of love for the Earth, the jungle and our kins.
The ideal way to experience ayahuasca es thru the traditional way it was discovered and shared, with deep respect and consciousness that one is entering a deep process of personal healing in which ayahuasca will put you right in front of yourself, so that you can see yourself, so that you know yourself better on the inside: This will allow you to purify your past, to forgive, to leave behind the attachments and addictions and all that is blocking you to be your real self.
For sure this is not a miracle to do this change overnight, but if you give yourself a chance to go through your process we will assit you with love along the path and in every step you will give towards your healing.
In our group we have all experienced great benefits and blessings form our Celestial Father with the use of his sacred medicine. We are convinced of its efficiency and we want to share it with those who are ready to discover themeselves.
We have over 15 years of experience in the use of the teacher plants from the amazon.
We have over 15 years of experience in the use of the teacher plants from the amazon.
We have a very good and confortable infrastructure to offer our brothers a good service in a safe, clean and responsable maner.
Those are some benefits that people undertaking our healing porces had experienced:
* liverage of emotional blockages, profound feeling of peace with one`s own past
* mental and emotional clarity
* being healeb from various ilnesses and health problems
* found a path of a meaningfull, happy and harmonious life
* enhanced openness towards spiritual life
* mayor improvement in their interpersonal relationships
* liverage of emotional blockages, profound feeling of peace with one`s own past
* mental and emotional clarity
* being healeb from various ilnesses and health problems
* found a path of a meaningfull, happy and harmonious life
* enhanced openness towards spiritual life
* mayor improvement in their interpersonal relationships
sábado, 7 de septiembre de 2013
The ceremony of Yagé or Ayahuasca
We always mention both names: yagé and ayahuasca, the difference is in the names used, in Colombia it called 'yagé' and in Perú it is know as 'Ayahuasca'.
The ceremonies / sessions are sacred ritual spaces, where 'el curandero' or the shaman from the amazon invites to the drink the medicine during the session.
Normally the sessions take place at night but in some special ocasions we conduct ceremonies during the day. There is a mayor difference to the energy in the following manner: the nigh one allows a deep introspection, and the daily one allows for a deep introspection and a connection with the surrouning nature.
The ceremonies can last between 4 to 8 hours, the duration of the ceremony depends exclusively on the process of the partecipants. Each person has their own individual, personal processand each session is completely different from each other, none of them is the same.
Our ceremonies hold from 1 to 20 people, and even if the attendance is high in numbers, the shaman makes sure that each one has a quality and safe experience.
The medicine works step by step, like a scanner finding blockages, negative energies and helping bit by bit to
free yourself from them.
When you are under the effect of the medicine you do not loose consciousness nor reasoning ability, on the contrary, one enters on the expanded level of consciouness and preception, where you not only perceive the meterial world but also the spiritual or energetical world, both interior as well as exterior.
The ceremonies / sessions are sacred ritual spaces, where 'el curandero' or the shaman from the amazon invites to the drink the medicine during the session.
Normally the sessions take place at night but in some special ocasions we conduct ceremonies during the day. There is a mayor difference to the energy in the following manner: the nigh one allows a deep introspection, and the daily one allows for a deep introspection and a connection with the surrouning nature.
The ceremonies can last between 4 to 8 hours, the duration of the ceremony depends exclusively on the process of the partecipants. Each person has their own individual, personal processand each session is completely different from each other, none of them is the same.
Our ceremonies hold from 1 to 20 people, and even if the attendance is high in numbers, the shaman makes sure that each one has a quality and safe experience.
The medicine works step by step, like a scanner finding blockages, negative energies and helping bit by bit to
free yourself from them.
When you are under the effect of the medicine you do not loose consciousness nor reasoning ability, on the contrary, one enters on the expanded level of consciouness and preception, where you not only perceive the meterial world but also the spiritual or energetical world, both interior as well as exterior.
This means the enhanced and intensyfied visions, thoughts and feelings of what we hold inside are mede aparent during the session.
The Ayahuasca processes are beutifull, which does not mean they are easy, and the best thing to do during the ceremony is to let go, let flow, acept and loose the ilusion of control one has over things.
Never put yourself in the vistim position of what ones sees or feels, but be a mere observer that learns from his own interior reality.
The Ayahuasca processes are beutifull, which does not mean they are easy, and the best thing to do during the ceremony is to let go, let flow, acept and loose the ilusion of control one has over things.
Never put yourself in the vistim position of what ones sees or feels, but be a mere observer that learns from his own interior reality.
jueves, 5 de septiembre de 2013
Preparation for the ceremonies of Yagé / Ayahuasca
Good things in life always demand a sacrifice and effort from our part, this is a way to measure our motivation ad our commitment for the medicine.
Ayahuasca is so loving that is does not ask us much, and it gives us much more in exchange. So in order top partecipate in the ceremony you should hold a diet for at least 3 days before it and keep it for the 3 days afterwards.
The diet consists of not eating pork meat, not eating any spicy food, no consumption of drugs nor alcohol of any sort, and have a period of sexual abstency.
Women that have their menstrual period are allowed to partecipate after the third day after the period is over.
Ayahuasca is so loving that is does not ask us much, and it gives us much more in exchange. So in order top partecipate in the ceremony you should hold a diet for at least 3 days before it and keep it for the 3 days afterwards.
The diet consists of not eating pork meat, not eating any spicy food, no consumption of drugs nor alcohol of any sort, and have a period of sexual abstency.
Women that have their menstrual period are allowed to partecipate after the third day after the period is over.
It is important to point out that people that use frequently psycotropic plants, such as marihuana, it is best to stop somking at least a week before the session, as marihuan tends to block visions and the work of the medicine.
When is it not posible to have Ayahuasca?
* when you have cronical o serious hearth illnesses. * when you have a compulsive epilepsy.
* when you suffer from serious hypertension.
* when you suffer from squizofrenia or tendencies to it.
* if you suffer depression and are taking anti depresive pills, it is best to suspend taking them at least a week before the ceremony.
* if you are preganat in you first 3 months.
* if you are addicted or make frequent use of hard drugs such as: cocaíne, heroine, crack or simillar, first you have have to go though a long detox period with purging plants in order to be able to take part in the ayahuasca session, in this case the Takiwasi Centre from Tarapoto is specialised in casas like yours.
miércoles, 4 de septiembre de 2013
Sessions and retreats
- 7 days ayahuasca jungle retreats, in this retreat we will have a cycle of 3 ayahuasca sessions, we use the Refugio amazonas hotel, owned by the Rainforest expeditions company, and has great facilities. This hotel is located in the access zone of the National Tambopata Reserve, 5 hours away from Puerto Maldonado. And of course as part of this week you will have a chance to have guided walks in the jungle with local guides who will share with you the secrets of the amazon biodiversity.
- Ayahuasca sessions in Arequipa, we will use the Dharma Temple of our healing brother Tomasz, those sessions have their own schedule, for the date please visit the website: http://dharmaarequipa.blogspot.com/2012/12/ceremonia-de-ayahuasca.html
- Ayahuasca sessions in Lima, we also have very good facilities on a farm outsiede of Lima in the town Papa León XIII. To have a session in Lima, there is a need to have a group of 7 to 10 people minimum and advise us at least 15 days beforehands to make the necesary arangements
- Ayahuasca sessions and retreats in your country, if you live outside of Peru and have a group of persons that are serious and responsable about the medicine we are opened to come and vist you and bring you the blessings and benefitsof ayahuasca to your home or healing centre
martes, 3 de septiembre de 2013
Ayahuasca and Amazon medicine retreat
The jungle and its sacred medicines make a calling, to expand the consciousness, to connect with your heart, and with our roots, a fantastic oportunity that cannot be missed. The Centre 'Ancestral Remedies'offers an appropriate place for healing, purification and learning purposes. This is one of the best opportunities to be in contact with the nature, in the heart of the jungle and in the silence with onself.
Next Ayahuasca retreats in the
Amazon Jungle, Puerto Maldonado, Peru:
13 to 20 April
1 week Ayahuasca retreat
Where: Puerto Maldonado, Peru
Partecipation costs: USD 490
More info: http://dharmamysticaltours.blogspot.com/2014/02/1-week-ayahuasca-retreat.html
13 to 20 May tbc
1 week Ayahuasca retreat
Where: Puerto Maldonado, Peru
Partecipation costs: USD 490
More info: http://dharmamysticaltours.blogspot.com/2014/02/1-week-ayahuasca-retreat.html
13 to 20 June
1 week Ayahuasca Premium retreat
with Taita Adonias QuinteroWhere: Puerto Maldonado, Peru
Partecipation costs: USD 715
More info: http://dharmamysticaltours.blogspot.com/2014/02/1-week-ayahuasca-retreat.html
dates in July tbc
1 week Ayahuasca retreat
Where: Puerto Maldonado, Peru
Partecipation costs: please check availibility and details
More info: http://dharmamysticaltours.blogspot.com/2014/02/1-week-ayahuasca-retreat.html
dates in August tbc
1 week Ayahuasca retreat
Where: Puerto Maldonado, Peru
Partecipation costs: please check availibility and details
More info: http://dharmamysticaltours.blogspot.com/2014/02/1-week-ayahuasca-retreat.html
dates in September tbc
1 week Ayahuasca retreat
Where: Puerto Maldonado, Peru
Partecipation costs: please check availibility and details
More info: http://dharmamysticaltours.blogspot.com/2014/02/1-week-ayahuasca-retreat.html
dates in October tbc
1 week Ayahuasca retreat
Where: Puerto Maldonado, Peru
Partecipation costs: USD 490
More info: http://dharmamysticaltours.blogspot.com/2014/02/1-week-ayahuasca-retreat.html
Partecipation costs: USD 715
More info: http://dharmamysticaltours.blogspot.com/2014/02/1-week-ayahuasca-retreat.html
dates in July tbc
1 week Ayahuasca retreat
Where: Puerto Maldonado, Peru
Partecipation costs: please check availibility and details
More info: http://dharmamysticaltours.blogspot.com/2014/02/1-week-ayahuasca-retreat.html
dates in August tbc
1 week Ayahuasca retreat
Where: Puerto Maldonado, Peru
Partecipation costs: please check availibility and details
More info: http://dharmamysticaltours.blogspot.com/2014/02/1-week-ayahuasca-retreat.html
dates in September tbc
1 week Ayahuasca retreat
Where: Puerto Maldonado, Peru
Partecipation costs: please check availibility and details
More info: http://dharmamysticaltours.blogspot.com/2014/02/1-week-ayahuasca-retreat.html
dates in October tbc
1 week Ayahuasca retreat
Where: Puerto Maldonado, Peru
Partecipation costs: USD 490
More info: http://dharmamysticaltours.blogspot.com/2014/02/1-week-ayahuasca-retreat.html
The price includes all the activies, acommodation, all meals and transportation to and from the airport.
Note: if you are a group of people and looking for a retreat in specific dates please get in touch and we can organise it for you. Contact Tomasz: divinaconsulting@gmail.com
Our Ayahuasca Shamans:
* from Taita Adonias Quintero, with over 40 years of experience in the use of the sacred medicine of Yagé or ayahuasca.
* from Perú curandero Carlo Schenone, with 15 years of experience in the use of the sacred medicine of Yagé or ayahuasca. and a student of maestro Adonias.
The retreat includes:
* 1 tobacco cleansing purge: the juice of the leaves of the tobacco when bolied helps to unblock energetic channels and brings mental clarity, spiritual strenght and its ideal to start ayahuasca cermonies
* 3 yagé or ayahuasca ceremonies, the sacred plant of the ancestors grandfathers, is a great teacher that shows us with love what we have inside of us, which gives us an opportunity to learn, heal and cleanse our internal traumas and blockages, it also renews our body
To book your space please make a transfer of 50% of the value of the retreat and the remaning 50% is paid upon arrival.
Enquiries and bookings:
in Arequipa: Mr. Tomasz Warzywoda - Director of the Dharma Centre: divinaconsulting@gmail.com Cell: +51 989598.325
in Puerto Maldonado: Mr. Carlo Schenone - Director of the Centre 'Ancestral Remedies' : carlo_schenone@hotmail.com or Losremediosancestrales@gmail.
lunes, 2 de septiembre de 2013
The team
Part of our team are as follows:
- Tayta Adonias Quintero, tayta Adonias is a native from Columbia, who comes frequently to support us as our superior teacher and brother that guides us our our path of self descovery. In Columbia he is recognised as Tayta (`father` in quechua) and it means that he has a profound knowledge of the wisodom of yage and use of medicinal plants.
- Carlo Schenone, peruvian, shamanic healer, aprentice of Tayta Quintero.
- Cesar Cora, born Spain, he arrived in Perú following the path of the medicine, now he lives here and is a great strengh and help in our healing sessions. Cesar is a wood joiner, a great artist.
- Olaya López, she charmes us with her sweet and powerfull singing during the Ayahuasca sessions, a great pilar of our family of healers. She paints and sings so beutifully that she heals with her art.
- Tomasz Warzywoda, a healing brother, born in Poland and resident in Arequipa, founder of the holistic and spiritual centre Dharma, expert in the purge/spiritual cleanisng with the tobacco plant, soul flight with a native drum, use of the gemotherapy.
This is our great and small family of healers, we hope to be able to share with you a litte bit of what we have learned to help you grow in love and respect.
domingo, 1 de septiembre de 2013
For any enquiries about our healing sessions and programmes, or any other doubts and questions you might have please do not hesitate to contact us on: carlo_schenone@hotmail.com or losremediosancestrales@gmail. com
Our facebook page is: https://m.facebook.com/ losremedios.ancestrales?id= 100005776861994&_rdr
Our facebook page is: https://m.facebook.com/
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